Statewide Wireless Telephony and Broadband Plans, Equipment, and Support

Contract # 505ENT-M22-WIRELESSPH-xx​​​​ (was 505ENT-M17-WIRELESSPH-00)

Contract Administrator:

This contract is mandatory for State agencies and UW campuses (referred to here after as Agencies) and optional for Authorized Users. Special conditions may apply for Authorized Users

The scope of the contract includes wireless devices (voice-only, smartphones, Apple devices, tablets), service plans for wireless voice, data-only (aircards, wireless modems, etc.) and voice/data combination service (Smartphones).

Contracted vendors include (in alphabetical order), AT&T Mobility, T-Mobile, US Cellular and Verizon Wireless.

Agencies may purchase service and equipment from any contracted vendor that they determine best meets their business needs. In the event contracted vendors are unable to meet technical requirements, Agencies may seek a DET waiver to use a non-contracted vendor.

Fraud - Contact Vendor account representative or Customer Support Center as quickly as possible. If fraud is detected, a corrective course of action will be recommended (e.g., suspend service, replace telephone, change telephone number, etc.). Invoice will be credited if cellular fraud occurs.

MEID - if you need to find this number on the phone you can dial    *#06# and number will be presented on phone.

Employee Discounts, when applicable are found under the following vendor pricing sheets: 

  • MetTel - The AT&T Mobility and T-Mobile​.  The AT&T FirstNet is not authorized by employees, so pricing is not applicable.
  • US Cellular​
  • Verizon – No additional discounts.